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UK NEWS: Sunday Shoppers Plans Anger On church Leaders

Senior church figures say "needlessly" extending opening hours will limit the opportunity for "shared time and activities".

Senior figures from the Church of England, the Catholic Church, the Church in Wales, the United Reform Church, the Methodist Church and the Salvation Army have written in the Daily Telegraph, saying: "In a
world of increasing commodification the space for shared time and activities is becoming increasingly rare.

"Needlessly extending Sunday opening hours will only exacerbate this trend."

Currently on Sundays in England and Wales, any shops larger than 280 square metres can only trade for  a maximum of six hours between 10am and 6pm.

As part of the Government’s Enterprise Bill, Chancellor George Osborne wants local councils to have the freedom to allow larger supermarkets and department stores the right to trade all day.

The letter from church leaders follows opposition from Labour MPs, shop workers' unions and some backbench Tory MPs.

The SNP are also actively opposing the changes due to fears that it may affect the conditions of Sunday workers in Scotland who get better pay during relaxed Sunday trading in the country.

However, 200 other MPs and councillors also signed a joint letter at the beginning of February in support of the changes.

Supporters say it will help struggling high streets cope with competition from online shops which are increasingly popular on Sundays.

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