Debbie Reynolds dies at age 84, just a day after her daughter, Carrie Fisher dies
Actress Carrie Fisher, suffered a heart attack while
returning from a book signing event in London on Sunday, she never recovered
and died on Tuesday. The following day, Wednesday, her 84 year old mother,
Debbie Reynolds, who rose to stardom in "Singin' in the Rain"
suffered a stroke and died from it.
According to TMZ, her son Todd said Debbie was rushed to a
hospital shortly after 1 PM when someone at the Beverly Hills home of her son,
Todd, called 911 to report a possible stroke.
Debbie and Todd were making funeral arrangements for Carrie,
who had died on Tuesday of cardiac arrest at age 60.
Debbie famously divorced Eddie Fisher in 1959 after his
affair with Elizabeth Taylor. Debbie married 2 more times in 1960 and 1984.
Carrie's relationship with Debbie was the focus of Carrie's
semi-autobiographical book, "Postcards from the Edge," which was
later adapted for the big screen, starring Meryl Streep and Shirley MacLaine.
May her soul rest in Peace.
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