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Super Falcons reportedly gets paltry N10k after AWCON qualification

The Super Falcons of Nigeria who conquered where their male counterparts failed by qualifying for the African Women's Cup of Nations tournament were reportedly paid N10,000. This is a paltry sum compared to the $4000 the Men's senior football team get for a draw and $5000 for a win. Read the report by Goal after the cut....

 ''Goal learnt that the players and officials of the Super Falcons were decamped on Tuesday evening and they were handed the sum of 10,000 Naira that was meant to get them to their various destinations.''

''The fate of the nine foreign-based players who participated in the Falcons' qualifying series is unconfirmed. Though another source hinted that they also received their return flight ticket fares.''

''An NFF source informed Goal that the team was already aware of the organization's financial challenges and provision of transport fare with plans to pay their bonuses and allowances soon.''

''Unlike their male counterparts, Goal understands that the women are yet to be paid bonuses since last year's Olympic qualifying campaign against Mali under former coach Edwin Okon.

''Efforts made to speak to the Super Falcons officials were unsuccessful as they declined from commenting on the matter while NFF officials are currently in an extra ordinary congress in Abuja.''

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